My name is ab34 and I'm a passionate programmer & photographer from Austria.
I am 16 years old (as of 2023) and have started coding when I was 12.
I've started out my coding journey with c#, developing a simple DB access application and an implementation of the RSA encryption algorithm.
After that I started learning Java. I never implemented any of my personal Projects in Java since at the time that I had my next project idea, i was already learning my next language...
c++, which, to this day, is still my absolute favourite. It's low-level and efficient ways exposed me to a whole nother world of explicitness in code. The performance of c++ also perfectly alligned with my next big programming-chapter:
graphics programming! There isn't much for me to say, except for the fact that i really love low-level programming and therefore graphics-programming fits right into my alley. I am currenly, 2023, working on a project with a friend, developing a game engine using vulkan.
starting out with c# (DB access application & RSA encryption algorithm)
over Java
to c++
In early 2023 I've taken my first pictures with a real DLSR camera and thereby started my journey as a photographer.
Since then i've been taking pictures as often as i can and take my camera with me whenever i can.
I find a lot of joy in capturing situations and people through my lense and have since started sharing my photography with the world by uploading it to instagram
still a lot of work to do here...